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-Challenge your beliefs and perceptions about yourself
-Create positive affirmations that will motivate you
-Build self worth and value

-Do what I can in my power to support you to achieve your goal.




Self – confidence is defined as an attitude, which you possess about yourself. This attitude enables you to go forward with your daily life and attain your goals. Self-confidence literally means, to have faith, belief and trust in oneself.

When a person is self – confident he/she is in control of their own life, thus, they know what they want and how to get it.

Self-confidence is the most important and valuable skill a person can possess.


  • I will support you to challenge beliefs and perceptions about yourself, which will eventually lead to a higher level of confidence and happiness.

  • My focus is solely to help those who want change, those who know they have more to life than they’re current situation. I will work with you to identify what your road blocks are and what has limited your ability to perform, as you would like thus far.

  • I will work with you to step out of your comfort zone and work in partnership to embrace the journey. When you step out of your comfort zone, your allowing other opportunities to enter your life. Although with this transition, you will experience changes in how you feel, sometimes feeling of anxiety due to change. This is where I come in, I will support you through this transition and be sure you stay on track, maintaining a positive mindset.



Our inner beliefs are assumed truths that are usually derived from past experiences and statements. They are our inner statements and judgements about ourselves in which we have emotionally inherited. They have shaped us and probably unknowingly to many, they have been with us since childhood.

“Limiting Beliefs have the power to destroy an individual’s journey to lead a meaningful and successful life. However, Positive Beliefs also have the power to create a meaningful and successful life.”


  • I will work with you to target those beliefs and work with them accordingly

  • I will work with you to identify any limiting beliefs that may be hindering your chance of living live to its fullest potential.

  • I will work with you to eliminate negative attributes that you have built up inside yourself that is holding you back from achieving your goals.

  • I will work with you create positive affirmations that will motivate and encourage you to focus on what you want and maintain focus to enable positive results.

Example of Limiting Beliefs Behaviours, Evidencing Limiting Beliefs
Nothing I say is intellectual Not speaking up in front of people
Everything I do is wrong Not trying new things or not stepping out of your comfort zone
I am worthless Always defensive
I am unattractive Finding excuses not to attend socialising events



The Psychology of Self-Worth

In psychology, Self-worth is the basis of our very selves, our feelings, our thoughts and behaviours, thus, how we interlink all these elements into how we view our worthiness and value as a human being. Ability, performance and effort all play a part that determines our self-worth.

They all interlink with each other, for example; our ability and effort play a big part in our performance. Thus, influencing our self- worth and Value.



Self – worth is an emotional state, thus, self-value is the way we act, and that in-turn portrays how we value ourselves, therefore, increasing the feeling of self worth, by acting in ways that equate how we value ourselves.

Therefore, Self – worth and self – value works very closely together, some people even say that they are the same, however, display in different ways.

“Having a sense of self – worth, shows that you value yourself”.


  • I will work with you to build self worth and value.

  • I will work with you to identify the positive attributes you possess.

  • I will work with you to gain understanding of who you are as a human being and eliminate any negative perception you hold of yourself.