FEAR Can Motivate You to achieve your GOALS

We are all too familiar with fear holding us back from achieving our life goals. But what if you used fear to motivate you in achieving your goal rather than it holding you back?

Below I share four useful points where you can use fear to motivate you to achieve your goals:

- Fear of staying the same

What will life look like this time next year if you DO take action (write this down)? Then write down how life looks when you DO take action, you will notice a shift within you when you picture how life can look, ask yourself;

What can you see?

What can you hear?

What can you feel?

When you carry this thought with you, you are creating a shift to make fear work in your favor. Because when you think of how life looks if you don't take action, that motivating FEAR soon creeps in and you find yourself wanting more and taking the appropriate steps moving forward.

- Fear of showing up

Do you find that you are holding yourself back due to what you think people will think of you;

"She can't start a business"

"She's not pretty enough to do videos"

"You are not smart enough to start a business"

"You're not brave enough to something different

All these comments are subconsciously being absorbed into your mind and what happens then? we begin to act out according to those negatives thoughts because our thoughts controls our actions and outcomes.

One thing I will say is, you cannot control other people’s comments and views towards you. You are not here to please the world, you are here to serve those who desire your expertise. 

What other people think of you, is none of your business.

Create a shift in your own mindset and block out the negativity. Many people actually admire your courage for overcoming fear and stepping out of your comfort zone.

You will inspire those who need to hear your message. Your message and service are no use if you are keeping it to yourself.


  • Fear of regret

In my line of profession, as an Occupational Therapist, I have engaged in a lot of conversations with patients who are aged 90+. One thing I always ask them is what is one thing you can tell me to do in my youth from your life experiences… they always say ‘ Do not live in regret, as its the biggest form of loss’

 This is a message I want you to take away if you do not take away anything else. I wanted to be a coach since 2009, and that feeling of not doing what I wanted for so long, caused me so much inner conflict which impacted many aspects of my life back then. I took that leap to challenge all my fears and do what I love three years ago and I have never looked back.

As yourself;

What is one thing you would love to do in life, that, if you were older, you would regret if you did not do it….?

Now, whatever, that may be, I am telling you now… it’s time to take action.


  • Fear of failure

There is no such thing as failure, only feedback. Every time you feel you failed, you have only learned another way that does not work and opens your mind to new ideas. Achieving your goal is not a straightforward process, it takes you on many routes but this is all to increase your learning. 

Everything you go through is content to teach others. 

I ask you to keep these four points in mind moving forward. We are no longer allowing fear to limit our desired outcome.


If you feel you would benefit from having a coach to help you overcome deep-rooted fear, my 1:1 coaching program includes an amazing technique that helps you to overcome the fear that is resulting in you not taking the action you really want to take, thus not achieving your goal. 

Head over to my coaching page and learn more about how I can support you.

I would love to hear your thoughts on this blog and whether it supported you.

  • Alana

Alana Simone