Regain momentum in what you do

So you feel that you have lost momentum in your business, career, or day-to-day activities!

Have you slowed down to ask yourself why?

What do you think it could be?

Take a few moments to have a think of what it might be and write it down. 

Before I dive into this blog, I want to remind you that your mind does not know what is real and what is not real. Our mind controls our mood and physiology. So, if you think of a negative thought, your body will respond as though it is actually happening, and the same thing happens when you think of positive thoughts, hence the importance of visualization.

Now, a few weeks ago I had a shift in my business, a rebranding so to say. I changed the way I did things due to that feeling of loss of momentum. 

I was working out of alignment for so long that it impacted my mood, thus limiting my creative process and productivity. 

I was consuming all I saw on social media, speaking with so many people about my business, allowing so many external stimuli to dictate my brand and client journey. 

When this happens you lose a sense of your own identity in the business, resulting in confusion as to why you started this journey in the first place. 

So it's not just that I lost that momentum or drive, I lost my identity and vision for what I initially created due to external distractions. 

So what did I do?

I took a step back and looked at what I created and why, I looked at what I started and remembered my purpose.

It came to my realization that a lot of the things I was doing were what others were doing and not what I deep down inside wanted to do.

When you are building a life for yourself here are a few things that can help shift that feeling of loss of momentum:

  • Step back and evaluate what you are doing.

  • Understand your purpose.

  • Remind yourself of who you are doing it for.

  • Pay attention to your emotions, are you enjoying waking up every day to carry out certain activities?

  • Is your passion being expressed through your actions?

  • If negative thoughts and emotions surface write them down and counteract them.

  • When you wake in the morning, give thanks for what you have and what you are about to receive.

  • Reduce screen time in the morning and night (pay less attention to what others do and more to what you do).

  • Meditate, ask for what you want.

  • Do less of the wrong thing and more of the right thing.

  • Do what feels right in your gut (you will always get that gut feeling if it's for you or not)

  • Work in alignment.

I will be sharing a video explaining each tip in my Private Facebook group (The Ideal Me). But the main tip I would like to expand on in this blog is working in alignment, which is the main cause for loss of momentum (in my opinion).

Work in Alignment

So my goal is to build a successful business, doing what I love, and building it how I want. I am working to support as many women as possible in finding their voice and putting themselves first to also build successful businesses, which has been a true success to date.

However,  lately, I found myself scrolling, speaking to so many different people (coaches), and slowly picking up habits and strategies from others, at the same time ignoring my own intuition. 

This then caused me to work out of alignment. I have a vision for what I am building, however, my actions were not in alignment with what I wanted.

When you are not working in alignment you slowly build resentment towards what you are doing, I began to question what I was doing and its purpose. I came to realize that my day-to-day activities were not getting me anywhere and I was just left burnt out. 

When I shifted my focus to what I wanted, things began to change, I started attracting clients and helping them on a deeper level that felt true to me. 

Because people recognize real and fake, people see other people's passion, hence, why my client list began to grow again.

Listen, all these social media platforms are great in their own sense, but you need to make it work to benefit you, not drain you. 

Do you have an idea, a goal, a dream? 

Have you lost momentum?

Are you beginning to question what you’re doing?

Here are a few things you could do:

1. Sit still for 20 mins (at least) hold one hand on your chest and the other on your stomach. Take in four deep breaths and with every exhale begin to receive your intuitive downloads, by asking the universe 'What do I need to know today' ask any question you need answers to at the moment. You will receive the messages to your questions... you just have to listen and be open to receiving.

2. Journal what is going on in your head. It's no use having so many thoughts swimming around in your head, you will find it hard to make sense of things. Get them out onto paper and re-evaluate your thoughts to serve you.

3.Counteract your limiting beliefs. Write down a thought or emotion that is not making you feel good and counteract it. For example; 

"I am not good at setting goals, therefore my vision will not become a reality"

Counteracting thought:

"I know what I want in life and I can find resources and tools to help me bring my vision to life"

4. Show gratitude daily. Give thanks for what you have and what you're about to receive.

The key thing to do is take a step back and re-evaluate your own thought process and actions.

It sounds cliche, but you are in total control, if you don’t like something, change it, if you like something, do it more. 

In my ‘Ideal Me’ 8-week coaching program I use NLP and Hypnotherapy to help my clients truly understand their purpose and be sure that their actions remain aligned to their goal.

It’s time to shift your momentum to serve you…. 

I hope you enjoyed this blog please feel free to email me with any questions in regards to this blog at:

- Alana

Alana Simone