Do Not Forget to Celebrate Your Wins!

I cannot tell you how exhilarating it is when you look back and realise your accomplishments. So, if you know me, I tend to be pretty hard on myself, I always tell my clients to focus on what they have achieved thus far, and up until last year I rarely practiced this myself.

Emotion is a product of past experiences

When you think about how the mind works. It reacts in relation to your thoughts. If you are thinking about a time when you felt overwhelmed and anxious, your mind will literally begin to re-live that moment as though you are actually going through it at that present time. Us as human beings, we tend to focus on our problems rather than achievements, its how we are wired. Our brain is a record of the past, for example, if you have lived a life with limited happiness; working in a job that brings no value, limited income, insecurity, unstable relationships etc, this is the emotion that will drive your daily movements. We will be driven each day from what we experienced the day before and so on. Now, for many of us, we do experience good things throughout our day, but we tend to take it for granted, for one, we woke up in the morning, to me thats the biggest win. So when we identify something so basic, you should now be able to identify at least 5 wins for each week (at least 5 a week).

A Little activity

Now I want you to think of one thing you have done well this week, manifest that win you are thinking about, remember how you felt when it was happening, feel that emotion of happiness. Now you should be feeling that sense of emotion. Can I ask? does this feeling make you want to attract more feelings like this? if the answer is yes, why not practice this daily and use this new energy to drive your daily movements.

Add a brick to your wall

I go by this concept each day. Add a brick to your wall means add discipline to your daily routine. Do a task each day to get closer to your end goal. See it as you are adding a brick (task) to build your house (end goal). I use my previous achievements (wins) as a driving force to remain focused on my goals. I would then write down small daily tasks to be completed daily.

I have used this concept to achieve many of my set goals. Now many of us go day by day unconsciously living, not realizing that we have not added any value to our days as they pass. If you use this concept and be fully conscious of your everyday activities, you will experience change for the better.

I hope you enjoyed this short blog. I enjoy being transparent and helping people add value to their lives. Please feel free to share any comments.

Alana Simone