How do you perceive success

2 years ago (2017)

It’s funny how people see life and how they perceive success. I was having a conversation with a few people one day and I expressed my love for and desire to be a confidence and career coach. I further went on to explain that I believe that if you want something bad enough… envision it, set a goal and work on achieving it. Well, the reception I received was soooo surprising I felt as though I said the most offensive thing and should be punished ( a little exaggeration )… but that’s how I felt at the time. So … all three individuals began by stating that all goals are not likely to be achieved and a lot of things people want are unrealistic (a lot of truth in that) I asked, do you ever believe that you can be rich ?…. (this is where my jaw dropped… literally). They responded with “no, its unrealistic, people from poor families are poor and those born into money are rich, and those who make money from nothing are few”. No word of a lie… I think a tear dropped from my eye. I know you can’t see me writing this, but as I typed that last sentence I literally stopped and leaned my head back on my head board and sighed in disappointment, just re-living that moment of how I felt and also the helplessness I felt that I could not prove to them, that most things they want in life can be achieved through hard work and motivation.  Now, I am not saying everything is guaranteed to be achieved because as they said some things may be unrealistic, for example, due to nature and illness etc. However, as you work towards that goal … and possibly fail,  you learn through that failure which then adds to your knowledge and experience to fuel you to get up and try again, or to transfer onto a possible new venture. Working on one goal opens up more possibilities that may lead to a more exciting achievable goal. Basically, go for what you want with an open mind and enjoy the ride.

The above is a true representation of limiting beliefs and how this not only limits our actions in achieving our goal. It also hinders the fundamental process of success…. which is the initial thought of desire. Those individuals built up such a story in their minds of what success means to them, that they have not got the capacity to even begin to have those desired thoughts.


Alana Simone